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Louie Z.
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Louie Z.

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Q: When is a good time to get back into the property market I sold for a great price and am getting a great return for my money.but I am now renting?
Q: Is the Sydney housing market likely to plateau or decline in value?
A: Gday mate.
The housing market has already begun correcting itself.
Though I have found there are still several pockets where demand is still high.
Q: What is the smartest way for an unmarried couple to go about buying a property together?
A: It doesn't matter ... If you have been together for a while legally you fall into the same boat as the rest of the married people out there .
For you to be asking this question raises some issues about your trust with your partner.
If you have 100% trust them it doesn't matter what you do..
If you don't then I suggest you don't get involved financially at all
Q: I'm 52 years of age and have just over $200k in super with colonial on which I'm paying over $1000 pa advisor fees - anyone have a better suggestion?
A: Industry super funds are the best . Shop around and you will find something. These other blokes are ripping you off.
If I were you I would buy an apartment in lakemba or its surrounding suburbs. It will never always have a tenant. By the time you retire it will be giving you a nice little pension. My mate has 15 of them in the area..
If you can get over the fact that it will be Muslims rented the property
SMSF would be something for you to follow up on.
Q: Should I stick to an interest only loan for an investment property?
A: Depends on how much you are going to borrow.
I don't think now is the time to get an investment.
I am sitting back and waiting.
Definitely not apartments.
And if you get an interest only loan make sure that the rent can cover the repayments so your lifestyle doesn't suffer.