Q: Can you please tell me if older brother is the main person to our father's estate, if any details decisions are to be made, does he not have to consult the rest of his siblings concerning renting our dad's house out. As no one consults me on anything?
A: Yeah he was appointed executor 4 years ago and has done nothing about dad's affairs, and bills have esacalated, now has said he wants everyone to pay up for these. After 4 years of no contact. And wants to rent house out. And he has said it's his wife's decision wether we say so or not.
I'm gobsmacked, and at my wit's end as to what to do. The lawyer we had in place he got rid of a few years back so yes again I had no idea. They live in NZ I am in Australia.
Q: Can you please tell me if older brother is the main person to our father's estate, if any details decisions are to be made, does he not have to consult the rest of his siblings concerning renting our dad's house out. As no one consults me on anything?