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vanessa g.
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vanessa g.

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Q: Just wanting advice on how to positive gear we have an estate and wanted to buy something of lesser value than the estate which there is no monies owed to the house would we need to get a loan or is the equity in the house used
Thankyou in advance
Q: hi there just needing some sound advice. my mother recently passed away suddenly and has left her house to myself and my siblings will we have to pay capital gains tax on this house if we sell. we both reside in the house at the moment,also will we have to sell with the 2yrs of her death?
A: Thankyou so much for your advice
Q: hi there just needing some sound advice. my mother recently passed away suddenly and has left her house to myself and my siblings will we have to pay capital gains tax on this house if we sell. we both reside in the house at the moment,also will we have to sell with the 2yrs of her death?