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Amanda B.
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Amanda B.

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Q: Mum recently passed. Their are 4 children - eldest is executor of will, rest beneficiaries. Selling Mums house. Does beneficiaries have any say of how house is sold? Or does only eceutor have say? Does the executor have to keep beneficiaries informed? Can executor sell the house @ low price?
Q: Hi, i am a benefactor from the sale of my Mums house (their are 4 of us), i am currently residing in house. My eldest brother is the executor. House had been on market for 2 months. House originally listed for 700-750 grand, now is 660 (90 grand difference). There is a drainage easement on property (we actually have had no problem with it, no flooding), agent & brother say this is why price has gone down. Is this right? Why so much so quickly-shouldn't agent know all this from beginning?