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About Me

Amy Carr

Inside Eagles
Sydney, New South Wales
02 80912106
Amy Carr - BSc MLLP Notary Public

Solicitor (admitted to practice law in High Courts of Australia and New Zealand)

Amy Carr is a lawyer with 14+ years experience in private practice and in-house counsel (Asia-Pacific) for major global US based engineering, environmental and technology consultancy.

Amy is also a Director on the Board of industry organisation, Consult Australia Pty Ltd and was a Finalist in the 2012 AFR Boss Emerging Leaders competition.

My Activity

Q: I am from a not-for-profit industry peak body.

I am looking for legislation/etc (if such exists) which prevents Commonwealth and State Governments from discriminating between private sector and not-for-profit entities from receiving government funding for doing exactly the same thing or achieving the same outcome.

Can anybody help?

Thanking you in anticipation.

A: Xavier it's an interesting question and quite a can of worms.

Governmental funding (state and federal) is often driven by each relevant department or overseeing body and Minister (some funding responsibilities can be delegated to other quasi governmental bodies).

The discrimination you refer to might arise out of funding criteria and rules which are applied by funding bodies but more specific advice as to any discrimination prohibitions would need to considered in some detail by a lawyer- not such a straightforward one to answer!
Q: Hi simplyaskit community,

I'm looking for a lawyer to draw up agreements for my small business. I need to draw up a business agreement for new parties to sign and help write T&Cs for contracts and competitions. What sort of lawyer would I need to approach? Can an expert on this platform assist?

Thank you,
A: Hi Natalie - You need a small commercial law firm that specialises in SMEs! My firm, Inside Eagles, works in this space and we do plenty of competition T&Cs and and all sorts of business law documentation. You are welcome to contact me directly at amy.carr@insideeagles.com.au. Cheers Amy
Q: Can an employer deduct superannuation payments from commissions?
A: Hi Michelle

I agree with Anthony. The employer must deduct super from commission payments unless you fit into a exemption such as working overseas.

Some more info is here. https://www.ato.gov.au/Business/Super-for-employers/Working-out-if-you-have-to-pay-super/

Q: My sister wants to buy a car. Is she better off financing that through her mortgage than getting finance for the car separately?