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brie b.
brie b.
Thornlands, QLD

A company want to pay to put an advertising billboard in the front yard of the house I current live in and own (mortgage) as advertising. How should this work with tax? I understand I do not need to register for or charge GST as earnings from this will be under 75K. What other tax would I need to pay and at what rate? Is this included as income? Really struggling to find any information on this. Thanks

7 years ago


Hi There,

OK they may ask you to get an ABN otherwise they may withhold tax from you and pay it directly to the ATO on your behalf. See what they say. The ATO MAY not allow you to get an ABN because you need to be op[erating a business to get one. They are clamping down on ABN's.

As for the income if you use yourself then yes it will be added to your personal income when you do your tax return.

Hope that helped.


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