I’m 28 and would really like to understand more about superannuation and building for the future. Am I better off just going along with my employers super or finding a financial planner to help. What questions should I be asking a planner, thanks?
QUESTION 1: what qualifications do you have?
QUESTION 2: what experience do you have?
QUESTION 3: what commissions/remuneration to you receive?
QUESTION 4: what will you charge me????
At the age of 28, I am guessing you may not have enough in super for a lot of advisors to get excited about you....many are paid a trailing commission based on the size of your member balance.
That being said, it is NEVER too early to start planning for your own retirement!!!! the more you can poke into super at a younger age, the more it can grow in a tax-advantaged environment, and ultimately the more you will have in your retirement!!
There is a mountain of territory for you to cover: super, insurance, how to pay off your own home, investing in super v investing outside super, managing tax, estate planning, the list goes on.
Get yourself in front of someone who knows what they are on about that will charge you a fee for service (and hence will not be influenced by big commissions) and understands not only investing, super, but income tax and can help you put together a master plan to work on over the next 20-30 years.
congratulations on asking the question so young!!!! That tells me you are already thinking about retirement, which means you WILL probably have enough to retire on. Many leave the question too late, and as a result they dont.
Hi Kris,
I second what Brendan has already said, fantastic that you are already thinking about this.
Superannuation can be an incredibly powerful structure to help you build significant assets over an extended period of time. The sooner you exploit it's benefits (provided you can afford to) the better off you'll be in the long run.
I'm happy to talk to you over the phone to help you understand the in's and out's of super if that's what you're looking for at this stage. Depending on where that conversation goes we can work out if you need advice or not.
Senior Adviser
First Financial
03 9909 5800
Hi Kris,
Great to see you are taking an active approach to managing your investments for the long term as superannuation can be used for a number of strategies.
Whether your superannuation fund is appropriate for you depends on a number of things such as Underlying investment choices, Insurances held, Fees and benefits.
It is best to speak with a Professional if you are unsure about your options.
I have put an article together on how to choose the right Adviser if you would like to read this as this may give you some insight in to what to look for when speaking with a Financial Adviser.
If you wish to discuss anything further, please don't hesitate to contact me on the below details.
Ronald Pratap
Principal Financial Adviser
RP Wealth Management
Level 2, 351 Oran Park Drive, Oran Park 2570
T: 02 9188 1547 M: 0434 502 079
E: ronald.pratap@rpwealthmanagement.com.au
W: www.rpwealthmanagement.com.au