Hi, I am a first home buyer and want to start looking to buy a home, I have $80,000 deposit and earn $90,000 a year.. no other loan loans or credit cards – how much can I borrow?
Hi Liam, it’s exciting times ahead for you! Unfortunately it’s not that easy to say you can borrow “x”.
There are so many factors involved to determine your borrowing capacity.
Whilst you have no debts or credit cards there may be other factors we need to take into consideration such as HECS/HELP debt, living expenses (we need to categorise this) children/dependants too. We also need to know what your short/medium long term goals are.
I wish I could give you a more defined answer.
I’m more than happy to go through this with you specifically and we can then provide a report based on the information.
Nicole :)
Hi Liam,
That's fantastic news. I have a broker in which would be able to answer your questions and its completely free of charge. Just let me know and I can pass on the details to you.
Also when the time comes I would love to help you find a suitable home if your looking to purchase in the Macarthur and Wollondilly areas.
Kind regards Veronika.
One Concept Real Estate Group.
Excellent news - its always great to receive an inheritance that can sometimes be bittersweet that opens up the door for future opportunities. Like property ownership. Especially when there are some great concessions available if this is your first home - Lenders are LOVING owner occupied properties with really competitive rates available and other "BONUS'S" (depending on lenders)
There are many questions that need to be answered when we talk about how much to borrow Don't worry, they are pretty easy to answer as this only solves one part of the equation in purchasing a property. Your ability, and capacity to repay the loan. But a really rough guide would be to multiply your income by 3 - 4 times. That gives you a really really rough guide. So say $320,000 as a loan
The second part of this is the amount of Deposit you will be contributing toward the purchase. Understand that lenders will generally only advance you 95% of the property value that would see you having to contribute the remaining 5% PLUS the stamp duty and legal costs associated. And assuming we put in there $90,000 towards the costs we are looking ROUGHLY at $400,000-$500,000 purchase price.
Maybe i have have helped give you a guide as to what may be available, though nothing will replace speaking to a broker or lender who can comprehensively provide you the detail about what you can afford.
I trust this has been helpful in some way.
0481 383 490
but a really good "rough guide" around borrowing capacity is 3-4 times your current income. is
Hi Liam,
As mentioned above your borrowing capacity is based on many things. The numbers you have provided will give us a very rough idea of what you can borrow and this can vary from lender to lender. It's best if you contact myself or one of the other lenders on here to have a chat with , so we may give you a more accurate answer. Happy to have a free chat if you contact me through my profile. It is a free service and there is no obligation. That way we can qualify you and obtain a pre-approval so you can shop around for a home with confidence.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Cheers :)
Hi Liam,
There are some great responses from the above Professionals.
However, if you are looking for someone local to work with I can put you in touch with our Lending Specialists and also assist with Property options depending on where you are looking to buy.
I am based in the Oran Park Podium shopping Centre on Level 2 if you would like to catch up for a complimentary appointment to discuss your query further and see your borrowing capacity.
If you would like to chat further my details are below.
Goodluck with the property purchase.
Ronald Pratap | Principal Financial Adviser
RP Wealth Management
t: 02 9188 1547 m: 0434 502 079
e: ronald.pratap@rpwealthmanagement.com.au
w: www.rpwealthmanagement.com.au
a: Level 2, 351 Oran Park Drive, Oran Park 2570
Hey Liam,
Hows the home buying process going?
It can be pretty daunting with LOTS going on and people coming at you from all directions wanting a piece of you all the time.
Most of that information can be obtained via phone calls, emails so take advantage of that!
How about we have a quick chat and i can give you YOUR maximum borrowing capacity over the phone? It will only take us about 5 mins?
Craig Nicholas
0481 383 490
Thanks Nicole.