I have been wanting to refinance but for whatever reason didn’t get around to doing it – now I started a new job 2 weeks ago …. same profession but new company.
Could I still refinance … loan amount $630,000?
Hi Sammy,
Congrats on the new job!!
Whilst some lenders have a minimum employment term or you need to complete your probationary period, there are some lenders that do not have these restrictions. these lenders are also competitive which is good to know that you may not be compromising on rate. Having over 40 lenders on our panel enables us to be able to research these lenders and your requirements so that we can meet all your criteria.
More than happy to discuss your situation in more detail,
Nicole - Pink Finance
0414 633 793
Hi Sammy,
That is a great question, and we deal with this a lot. Different lenders have different policies on this. While some lenders will will not except probation or employment for 2 weeks, others will definitely look at it provided the applicant is in the same position, earns similar income and there is continuity etc
I would be happy to have a chat to see how we can assist you. Feel free to get in touch with me anytime. Our services are free and there is no obligation.
Umit Talarico
Premier Lending
0425 354 821
Hi Sammy,
Congratulations on the new job, hope you are living the dream.
There are several lenders who will take you while you are on probation, you will most likely need 2 payslip to confirm income consistency.
You broker should be able to give you a list of lender requirements for individual lenders
warm regards
Awesome Albert
Of course - I am in the office all afternoon feel to give me a call anytime. 0414 633 793 :)
Hi Sammy,
Absolutely! My office is in Five Dock and I live in Concord :)
0425 354 821
Talks soon,