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Jason T.
Jason T.
Leichhardt, NSW


We have bootstrapped our business but need capital to grow. A lot of roadblocks from banks and others for finance so we are thinking of offering a convertible note to raise $70,000. Has anyone got any experience with doing something like this and what do we need to look out for?

7 years ago


Hi Jason

I may be able to assist you. Can you please call me on 0414 727 308 or visit our website for a solution:- http://www.southwestlendingsolutions.com.au/unsecured-business-loan/

Sam Zammit
South West Lending Solutions

Hi Jason,

A convertible note is just a financial instrument. You can do several things to raise capital but you need to take care. A convertible note is really asking for loan money now and then being able for the lender to convert it into equity.

There are rules and regulations about raising capital from the general public contained in the Corporations Act 2001 Cth Who are you thinking of targeting?

Why not raise capital or just get a loan. If you have assets then you can raise money using the assets to back it up. There are also lenders who will lend money based on the sales of the business, there are people who will lend against the invoices - invoice discounting.

There are many options. Feel free to contact me directly for a chat.


Hi Jason,
This is the biggest challenge for SME’s every day.
You mentioned that you have hit roadblocks with lenders, have you had a commercial broker look at your financials?
As the other guys have said, there are a number of instruments that may be available to you that your bank hasn’t offered or considered.
Some examples are cash flow finance, asset finance, invoice/debtor finance or a general charge business loan.
If you would like some further guidance feel free to give me a call and I will try to connect you

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