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Andrew B.
Andrew B.
Leichhardt, NSW

Selling a property in Leichhardt, does anyone know of a real estate agent they would be happy to recommend?

7 years ago


Sure do Andrew, a gentlemen from McGrath in that area helped one of my clients sell their former family home in Leichhardt not that long ago - Top agent and client was over the moon.

Michael Tringali from McGrath.

You can contact him directly or contact myself and I can introduce you.




Thanks Regan - I just looked him up https://www.mcgrath.com.au/agent/286-michael-tringali

Will call him

Awesome, glad I could help.

All the best with the sale and would love to hear how you go.


Hi Andrew,

TJ from TJ property group. Very experienced. Tell him Zaid from SB Finance referred you and he’ll look after you. Get him on 0404966966.

If you need any assistance with finance for your future purchases I’m more than happy to assist :)

Good luck

Yes Andrew know a few great selling agents,give me a call to discuss 0418600806.

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