I’m on disability support pension. I want to start working if I can. But my disability is infinite, and will progress to become an in ability to work. What is the maximum I can earn, before it starts affecting my Pension. I do not want my pension to be affected at all.
Hi Sip.
the income test varies for single or couple, but as a rough guide, 172/fortnight before your pension starts being reduced.....and it gets reduced at 50c pre dollar of earnings over $172.
Which in my view is a massive DISINCENTIVE for someone to go back to work......because your "effective" tax rate is going to be no less than 19% + 50% = 69% or perhaps 32.5% + 50% = 82.5%. who would go back to work if you get to keep 17.5cents in every extra dollar you earn?????.
The link at the top of the page is to the Centrelink website, which is actually quite easy to navigate. Hope it helps mate, please feel free to contact me direct if you think I can be of any further assistance.