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Vaibhao J.
Vaibhao J.
Kogarah, NSW

Hi, my wife and I are searching for the banks who offer 95% home loan. We are interested in the brand new apartment costing around $660000. We are employed by non-profit Govt organisation and our joint annual income is $147,000 (pre-tax). We have clean credit history (car loan finished, and no existing loan) with two daughters (2y and 8y old). Resident in Kogarah NSW 2217 for 6 years and got our Australian citizenship this year. If we are first time home buyer, what options do we have?

6 years ago


Hi Vaibhao,
Speak to a good mortgage broker like myself and we will be able to offer you several lender who can assist with 95% loans. I suggest a mortgage broker because these loans can be a bit tedious with the amount of paperwork and diligence that will be needed while the lenders and mortgage insurer go through the statements.
Please feel free to contact on 1300 761 988
Awesome Albert

Hi Vaibhao,

We have multiple lenders on our panel who offer 95% lend loans. You will need to bear in mind that as there is Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) involved, the application process can seem a bit daunting, however should be a breeze if we can tick all the boxed prior submission.

Also, you may be restricted with certain postcodes etc.

Best if you speak to a mortgage broker to guide you through the process.

We specialise in First Home Buyers and I'd be happy to meet up for a strategy session at a time and place suitable to you and your family.

Feel free to get in touch through my profile.

Best Regards,


Hi Vaibhao,

I am based in Ramsgate / Kogarah - Aussie Ramsgate.
If you would like to sit down and discuss this further you are more than welcome to.
We can navigate all concerns and questions you might have.
At the same time we can also look at your current position and map out a path to get you into your first property.


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