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Jo N.
Jo N.
Brisbane, QLD

Which banks can offer 95% plus mortgage insurance? Looking for a home, thanks

9 years ago

Hi Jo,
There are a few banks currently offering 95% LVR + LMI. The best one to use would depend on your personal circumstances and financial situation. If you would like to discuss, please give me a call and I would be happy to assist.
Adam Bradley
0402 411 065


Jo, quite a few banks will do 95% plus lmi, but all have some unique conditions I.e do you have genuine savings, are you a first home buyer, do have an existing credit facility with the lender. If you can provide answers to above I am able to provide some lender options? Regards Andrew Peake

Hi Jo. There are still a couple of lenders around that will add the mortgage insurance to 95% however there are a few conditions for each lender for example:
Must be first home buyer/owner
Must live in property
Have 5% GENUINE savings ( ie not a gift etc)
Non conforming banks charge higher interest
It really does come down to the pieces of the puzzle that you have if it fits.
I would live to have a chat to you if you want to know how your circumstances would fair in this space .

St George and some other lenders which aren't banks but have some pretty special rates at the moment. Feel free to contact me for comparison 😄

Hi Jo, there are a few lenders available who lend 95% and cap the LMI!
If you would like to know more, please let me know :)

Hi Jo, well the first is to say some lenders offer this. Around how they offer this changes, and to who are not everyone is eligible for each lenders policy

Happy to discuss, Regards Ariel

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