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Michael F.
Michael F.
Melbourne, VIC

How much is a recommended/standard amount to enter the stock market? The shares I'm looking at are $9, would an initial $1000 investment be reasonable or is that too small? Is buying a lump some better or buying smaller amounts more frequently? Thank you.

8 years ago


Hi Michael,
It is potentially better to buy a larger chunk with each trade as you will pay between $10 and $30 per trade in brokerage. If you buy the minimum amount ($500) your brokerage cost can be as high as 6% which puts your return back before you start.
At the same time, spreading risk across stocks or industries will reduce the volatility of your portfolio.
I would recommend you speak with a financial planner and look at a couple of index linked funds that are tailored to growth, balanced or stable risk profiles depending on your appetite with experts doing the picking for you.
Good luck

Hi Michael,

I think it depends on what you're trying to achieve. You definitely must consider cost when investing, especially brokerage when buying shares.

In saying that, I have plenty of clients who simply want to get started. I often start them off with $1,000 as this helps them learn about share trading and get an understanding of what's involved.

My advice, start small and don't be greedy!

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