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Pushpinder B.
Pushpinder B.
Ashfield, NSW

I need a financial advice on my business, can you help??

8 years ago

I work with many business advisors who specialise with small - medium - large business. They have different specialties and costs. You can have a business plan written and look to access a $20k NAB Micro loan. So depends on your business size, speciality, our a specific need for startup or growth. What a broker does is assist with finance strategy including startup, cashflow, growth, general banking, SMSF, resident/commercial purchase, equipment/car/asset finance.

I can pass on the referrals if you make contact.


Hi Pushpinder

Can I ask what the question is?

If it is outside my scope, I will point you in the correct direction.


Hi Pushpinder

Thank you for the question. If you could provide a few more specific details, I'm sure the experts on the platform can share some valuable advice

Best wishes


Hi Pushpinder,
The other two answers are spot on. It is hard to give advice without knowing in which area the advice is required. You may a problem of too much income, and need advice about where to invest it; or the opposite may be the case.
Most businesses experience cash-flow shortages at some stage and there are solutions to help this, if the problem has not become too dire. Or you may want to create a business plan to expand and grow your business.
I look forward to chatting with you about your circumstance, and maybe we can solve your problem, or help in other ways.
Ray Simpson
Credit Advisor
Commercial & Business Finance Australia. 0411-563-706


Hi Pushpinder

We are here to help, feel free to call or share your details so we can discuss further.

Thank you

Kind regards

Bhavik Thakkar
Accord Finances Pty Ltd
M. 0424171600

Hi Pushpinder,
Have you spoken with your accountant?
I have found that if you find the right one they can be a great source of initial business guidance.
If yours is the kind that just prepares your tax returns and sends a bill, maybe it time to change accountant..
Regards Awesome Albert

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