I have a great idea for a new startup. There's definitely a market for it because no other company (that I know of) is servicing this niche, but I have no idea where to start. Where do I go from here?
Jen, its a tough one. Generally you need to have some info around your idea and a prototype and results to show potential investors or people that will believe in your idea.
I know a number of people who do this but they will only meet people who have done something with their idea. Have you at least started with a business plan?
Hope that helps.
Hi Jen, this is actually easier than anytime in history.
First make sure you protect your intellectual property which is now fairly easy via websites like ipaustralia.gov.au
Once you have protected your idea, have a look at start up sites like Kickstarter.com or gofundme.com.
If there really is a niche for your idea it should be easy to find people to invest. You might have to give them a discount on the first product or release but some startups literally use it to gauge how popular an idea is and fill there order book with prepaid customers before going into full production.
Good luck .
Awesome Albert
My suggestion is to visit a business advisor - this can give you an independent review of your plan - they also have access to the NAB micro loan of $20k if required
Hi Jen
I'd love to give you some initial advice on how you might progress your idea. As a business accelerator (rather than incubator) we are best suited to companies at or close to generating revenue. However, we're very mindful that every great business has a beginning so we're willing to share any insights, ideas, network, etc to help set you on the best path - so feel free to contact me for a chat. Cheers, Wayne