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Michael F.
Michael F.
Melbourne, VIC

The US Fed Reserve is expected to raise interest rates in December. Will this be an opportune time to buy stocks?

Even if the stocks are in Australia, would it be safe to assume they will decrease in price as a flow on effect?

8 years ago


Hi Michael,
The past week should be enough to show that nobody can predict anything with confidence in this market. I am not qualified to give advice but my own theory is to buy quality companies at a fair value and hold them for the long term. The fluctuations can affect your returns but timing the market is near impossible. If you have a long term view and buy quality, profitable companies in a growing sector you should do well regardless of the entry price.
Good luck with your investing

Hi Michael,

It is impossible to predict what will happen on the markets on a day by day basis (within reason). With this said, I think it always the right time to invest. How and where you invest your money may depend on the economy at the time. As a financial adviser, I sometimes make the decision to move a clients investments into cash. This may be for a number of reasons. When we do this, it is usually because we see there being some volatile times ahead or because the needs of the client has changed.

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