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Claire H.
Claire H.
Kings Park, NSW

Hi there, I am wondering where I would go if I was in need of a $3,000 loan I am a single mother of my 3 year old daughter, I have a Job 3-4 days a week & i receive benefits as well. I have bad credit rating from when i was young & stupid. Anyone ?

8 years ago

Not simple to get financial but it does depend on the age of the credit default, if paid, what you are looking to finance, and if you own any assets.

Happy to help


Hi Claire

I would need more information about your bad credit rating such as who lodged the default, the amount and when it was lodged.

Please feel free to call me on 1800 824 325 for a confidential chat.

South West Lending Solutions


Hi there,

Do you have an email I can contact you on?


Hi Claire

You may find that the website has blocked part of the email address. if my phone number is visible then please call me on this number on Monday; otherwise click on the "Contact Expert" link below my response so that I can contact you.



Hi Claire,

As Sam has said, more information is needed, especially about the status of the bad credit. Secondly, the purpose of the loan will be important.
If you do not find help from the other credit advisors who have already responded, you are welcome to call me.
Bulelwa Freer
0414 973 236

If the need for the loan is not super urgent, than I recommend you "pretend" to have the loan and commence saving each week/fortnight the amount that you would be required to repay.
Do this for 6 months.
If you find that you would struggle to save this amount regularly, than no harm done. Better to learn that you can't really afford to borrow before you take the plunge.
Let's face it, the last thing you need is another black mark against your name.
If you can manage, than it is likely you won't need to borrow the full amount as you have saved 20% - 25% of the amount.
Thus, the loan required would be smaller, and your repayments would be similarly reduced.
Appreciate that a small loan like this would attract a high interest rate (even if you had a clean credit history), and high up front fees. Understand that it takes the same amount of work to process a loan for $100,000 as it does $3,000.
If at all possible, the likely cheapest option would be a credit card with a low ongoing interest rate.
But do that "pretend" thing first.
Good luck.

Hi Claire

I have left a couple of messages for you to return my call (voice mail and email) can you please call me so that I can assist you?



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