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Timothy S.
Timothy S.
Thornleigh, NSW

I bought a seccond hand car one month ago and had it inspected by a mechanic, unfortunately I've had significant engine problems with it. Do i have a valid claim against the mechanic?

8 years ago


Hi Tim,
I had a similar issue a few years ago. My first step was to approach the mechanic and ask why he hadn't picked up the issue at the time he inspected the car. His claim was that at the time he checked the car there where no obvious oil leaks, oil in the water or sounds coming from the engine so that the issue could have been caused subsequent to the inspection.
There was a bit of back and forward but in the end he offered to repair the car and charge me for only the parts which I felt was very fair.
I would imagine that if this didn't resolve the issue the next step would have been to contact the department of Fair Trading and confirm the next steps towards making a claim.
Good Luck

8 years ago

Thanks albert, I'll take that on board and contact the service shop and hopefully we can sort it out.

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