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Shahin H.
Shahin H.
Richmond, VIC

Can a superannuation fund get access to my ATO information if I give them consent?

My understanding is that the relationship between superannuation funds and ATO is a one way street. The super has to report to ATO about my employee's contribution.

But what if, similar to a tax agent, they had my consent to get all (or some) of my information from ATO? Could that happen and legally, is that channel open?

8 years ago


Hi Shahin,

It depends on what information you mean? A superannuation fund or Financial professional can potentially act on your behalf to obtain information you authorise them to, however I am not to sure how a superannuation fund would get much access to ATO details besides Lost superannuation or other details of superannuation accounts.

I hope this helps but I would need more details in regards to your query before giving you an accurate answer.


Ronald Pratap
Principal Financial Adviser
RP Wealth Management
T: 02 9188 1547 M: 0434 502 079
E: ronald.pratap@rpwealthmanagement.com.au
W: www.rpwealthmanagement.com.au
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