When applying for a rental, is the landlord thee persons who make the final decision on who rents the property. And can a real estate have a application in before the landlord has even brought the property, but throw other applicants out without calling references, even when the landlord has been in contact with you everyday and spoke to the real estate about myself.?
Hi Amanda,
Ultimately, the person who owns the property makes the final decision.
Whether it is a property manger or private landlord, they can only shortlist the applicants, but due to liability they won't be able to approve you for a property without the consent of the homeowner.
It is very competitive in this market and some property managers/landlords will not look at or assess all the applications that come through (they are very time poor).
95% of the time, they will shortlist the top 3 (if there are that many applications) and forward to the homeowner.
Just remember, the property manager and landlord will need to do a number of checks before they can send your application to the homeowner. They need to be sure of your identity, can afford the listed rental amount and you don't have any previous negative history.
We are living in a time where it is very easy to create fake online profiles and provide false contact details to landlords and property managers to contact as references.
The best tool they have really when assessing rental applications is their experience and background checking systems.
This is why a platform like RentersCard.com.au can help you streamline your experience when trying to secure a property, but it will also help you prove "you are who you say you are" and provide you a competitive edge in the rental market by empowering you to stand out to property managers and landlords.
Best of luck with your searching.
Happy renting!