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Robert S.
Robert S.
Coffs Harbour, NSW

Hi, our home was valued at 660k 18 months ago and we have a home loan for around 476k. For various reasons (no credit issues) the credit card balance is now 18k and we want to know if it is possible to increase the home loan to pay off the credit cards. We both work and earn about 132k combined and have no other debts, is this possible?

8 years ago


Hi Robert. Sounds like it's something we can help you with, given the equity you have in your property.
It's worth having a chat to discus the options available, & if you've had your loan for several years, it's worth checking your current rate & loan features at the same time.

8 years ago

Hi Craig, nice to know...we have had the loan for 4 years so I will find out what the rate is and come back to you.



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