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Accounting & Tax

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Hi there

Got some great responses last time I posted here so hoping for a similar result!

I am a beneficiary of a deceased estate split into 3. We recently put the property up on Airbnb for some rental income whilst we wait for the property to be sold.

We did some work to the property readying it for lease such as painting walls, purchase of linen, crockery etc.

1) Can these expenses be claimed? Obviously it's work done prior to being leased but integral to be able to do so. Or does any receipt need to show that the date of purchase was AFTER the commencement date of lease?

For our tax returns, we will be splitting income/expenses between the 3. The property had no TV or Vacuum and so one party paid for these items out of their own personal money as they will take these items as soon as the property sells.

2) Will their be any red flags if one party claims higher expenses despite splitting income by 3?

Looking at it now, I guess if the answer to question 1 is 'NO' then question 2 is probably void as these items were obviously purchased before our first tenant.

Thanks so much for assistance. Great community of help!


7 years ago
Dan D.
Dan D.
Maidstone, VIC

Hi team

My wife is a teacher that has just finished up mat leave but yet to return to any full time employment.

Whilst on mat leave, she undertook a makeup course. The course has assignments that require you to purchase makeup supplies but they advise to buy significant more to build up the kit once she starts working as a makeup artist. Currently, she hasn't got an ABN though will do as soon as the course is complete.

In her tax return, can she claim these significant expenses as either educational or work expenses? Reallistically they are both but not sure if recognised by ATO. How can we best structure this?

Thanks in advance.

7 years ago
New Farm, QLD

Looking for some general advice in this kind of situation:

- Purchased investment property within a company structure for the purpose of renovation and subdivision to sell on
- Market and personal circumstances have changed and so now the primary purpose of this property is to hold for capital growth (rental income does not cover interest repayments)
- Property is on >800sqm of low density zoned land on the northside of Brisbane and has good long term growth prospects
- Selling at this point would most likely lead to a small loss due to sales costs involved
- Due to the holding structure, the is a small land tax bill every year which would not be an issue if held in my own name
- There is a potential to proceed with original subdivision plan in the distant future (most likely >5 years)

Would it be wise to wait till the capital growth covers these losses and sell the property to break even OR hold on for capital growth in the much longer term, knowing it is in a structure that won't be eligible for the capital gains discount in the future?

7 years ago
Kehoma R.
Kehoma R.
Silverleaves, VIC

Hi I am currently preparing my husband and I company tax return ourselves, and have got through it all with no problems until I came to section 9. Capital Allowances.

My question is what details do I put in or not put in

"other depreciating assets first deducted"

It may not be relevant to us this financial year but our bookkeeper had filled in a number the past 2 years so I am unsure??

7 years ago
Ali C.
Ali C.
North Narooma, NSW

I'm getting divorced, I moved out of the family home about 12 months ago and my ex has kept living there. It's taken us this long to work through all the negotiations for the financial consent orders and agree on a settlement. Soon he'll buy me out of the house we lived in together and he'll also transfer some of his superannuation into my super fund. Will I need to pay capital gains tax on either of those?

7 years ago

Further to my philosophical rant about corporate tax rates, what does everyone think about individual tax rates??? Is the marginal tax system the best tax system??? are the rates and margins right? Should the wealthy end of town pay more? Do low income earners pay enough??? Is the current system of rebates and government benefits based on income too complicated?? (YES!!!) Should families be taxed as "families" not as "individuals"????

7 years ago
Michael B.
Michael B.
Sydney, NSW


What are the tax implications if assets are used to repay a debt instead of an actual cash payment?

An example below:

A loan is provided by party A of $10,000 with 20% interest to party B.

Party B cannot repay and so they hand over a car valued at $12,000 to party A and the agreement is extinguished. No cash has changed hands.

Does party A have to put their hand in their pocket and pay tax after receiving the car?

Thank you.

7 years ago
Andrew B.
Andrew B.
Abbotsford, NSW


I am currently paid $243,000 per annum and I am expecting an offer of redundancy in the coming weeks. I am unsure of what my tax position will be if I accept the offer. I have worked for 12 years in my current employment.

My employer provides a calculator to work out what the redundancy payment will be. However, they have told me that any offer of redundancy is not finalised until the day the offer is made. The calculator tells me that I should expect the following:

Notice Period Entitlement: $29,600
Severance Payment: $158,500
Annual Leave Entitlement: $15,000
LSL Entitlement: $41,500
Estimated Gross Payment: $244,600

Will I be paying full tax on this payment? Someone mentioned to me that I will pay concessional tax – what does that mean?

7 years ago
Louise L.
Louise L.
Marsden, QLD

My partner and I recently started out in a turf laying business. We are contracted work by a turf supplying company, he then pays the boys a gross income as they are running under an ABN like us.
We are not particularly well off and we don’t make a profit, just a living.
I’m just wondering if there is anyone that is willing to offer a bit of beginners advice on how and where things need to be lodged in regards to BAS, Tax Returns, etc ? I’m not needing someone to do it for me, just rather guide me.
Any help would be sincerely appreciated and I understand it is only an opinion, not professional advice.
Kind regards,

7 years ago