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Accounting & Tax

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Rayna G.
Rayna G.
Mona Vale, NSW

We are a building company charging a client labour and materials that were putchased on their behalf. My question is when we invoice for material reimbursement, do we use the price we paid to our supplier with Gst, and add snother 10% Gst, or the net price of the material, then gst which is the same amt as we paid?
Im hearing lots of opinions on this but need to know what the law actually is on this?

7 years ago
James D.
James D.
Sydney, NSW

Hi, I am completing my R&D form, and it asks if "Is the R&D entity that is registering the head company of a consolidated or multiple entry consolidated (MEC) group?" - During the year we created a wholley owned 'sub' company for trading, and some R&D expenses were spent through that entity. Is it simple just to assign those expenses to the head company or do we need to merge for tax purposes?

7 years ago
Mary D.
Mary D.
Aitkenvale, QLD

Is it better to take maternity pay at half or full pay? My work provides 14 weeks full pay or 28 weeks at half pay. I have no concerns over my ability to budget I am just trying to work out which approach will work better financially. Factors to consider.
1. My pay goes straight onto my mortgage which has interest calculated daily
2. Maternity leave begins in December if I take it at full pay it will all be used by the end of the financial yearn half pay will roll into next year.

7 years ago
John R.
John R.
Camp Hill, QLD

My company made a loss last year. This year a profit for the year was made, but not enough to offset the the previous years loss. In the current company tax return do I include the previous losses in 7R (Tax Losses Deducted)? and do I put zero in 7T (Taxable/net income or loss)?
Loss for 2016 was 46000
Profit for 2017 was 33000
I understand that 13U will include all losses carried forward.
So for the current years company tax return I would make the following entries?
7R (Tax Losses Deducted)=46000
7T (Taxable/net income or loss)=0 or 33000?
13U (Tax Losses carried forward)=13000 (less than 100k, so no Losses Schedule?)

7 years ago

If I sell my own principal place of residence after I have renovated it under one year, Will I have to pay capital gains tax? I know if it's your principal place of residence everyone has told me No, however, I don't trust this because it would be 10 mths later and a capital gain of around $60,000 and I don't trust that the ATO will not add tax to that?

Appreciate your feedback

7 years ago
Stephen K.
Stephen K.
Nundah, QLD

I bought a $2,500 laptop for a University Thesis in 2014/15 financial year. I've realised that I've actually been using it to work from home from 2015 to present (2017). My questions are:

a) I didn't initially purchase it for work use. Because I have been, is this claimable?
b) If it claimable, I've never claimed this expense previously, can I claim depreciation for the past years as well?

7 years ago
Terence L.
Terence L.
Bassendean, WA

I'm looking to start a new company with two others. Our new accountant recommended that we use a unit trust as the business entity. The reasons being is that we have varied business billing amounts, frequency and scenarios so we will operating and managing cost centres within the company. The idea is that the unit trust is a distribution mechanism and we are operating like individual businesses within. Tax implications? Is this a weird business structure?

7 years ago
Rod B.
Rod B.
Bayswater, WA

Same Unit. I have an equity line and the unit is the surety over the loan.We paid back the equity loan to 0 dollars.
We then purchased a house that is now our residential home.We borrowed more money on the equity loan to buy the house. We use the equity loan for normal day to day use as well.The unit is now rented out.The unit is still the surety over the loan. Can we claim any interest off the unit for tax purposes or is it not possible because we paid the loan down before?
Rod B

7 years ago