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Home Loans & Personal Finance

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Not so much a question but a comment

A good friend has been with the one lender for 10 years and after 4 weeks of hesitation they finally called the bank about the interest rate on their home loan.

One call and 5 minutes later the bank had dropped the rate from 4.75% to 4.09% - the 0.66% rate cut will save them thousands

I’d love to get some feedback if anyone has had or knows of a similar experience - please share


8 years ago
rohan r.
rohan r.
Balwyn, VIC

I have two children about to start Private secondary school. We have been putting away money since they were born into a separate bank account and have around $80k. is there a better way that we can use this money - I have heard of education funds, but we have not explored. one idea was to buy an investment property with this money (and some top up) and effectively use some of the rental money to pay their school fees and then incur a debt for the fees against the growth in the property?

8 years ago