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Home Loans & Personal Finance

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Jack S.
Jack S.
Sylvania, NSW

Question on behalf of my mum, she is 78 and still very active. She is looking at buying a house and land package near Goulburn for $450,000 as an investment. Mum owns her own home valued at $1.2M and an investment property valued at $1.6M and she lives off her super. Apart from the super she has around $200k in savings and would use $150,000 to purchase the property. With a strong net asset position would she be able to get a loan of $300K and what lenders would look at a loan like this?

7 years ago
Sophie T.
Sophie T.
Riverton, WA

We have been renting for over a year and found a property we would like to make an offer for around $1.2M. We would only need to borrow $650,000 but have had a few credit issues in the past and sold our previous home to clear all the debts …. the credit report is not clean. We both work full time and would like to know if we could still get a loan and what the rate might be?

7 years ago