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Home Loans & Personal Finance

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Kym G.
Kym G.
Thornleigh, NSW

We live in North Western Sydney but both work at Mascot and thinking of renting our place and living in an apartment closer to work for 12 months for a change in lifestyle. When we discussed this with some friends they suggested we should change our home loan to interest only to maximise negative gearing. Is this good advice as when we called the bank they said our interest rate would increase by 0.20%?

7 years ago

We invested a small sum of our Super ($30,000) in units in a property investment company, which did well until a change in management. Last year apparently our units were sold on to a new company, which forwarded a statement showing our holdings now to be zero. Our emails show no notification of any transfer plan, and no option to opt-out and withdraw remaining funds. Also there is no final payment made to our bank account, as claimed. Can we do anything about this, and if so who do we approach?

7 years ago
Jade A. R.
Jade A. R.
Shailer Park, QLD

Hi, I’m looking to buying a house and I will obviously need to get a mortgage. I’d hope to not spend more than 500,000 on a house. I’d say I’d have a decent savings and should be ok for a deposit by time I’m ready, I work full time (135k pa). My issue is I’ve never borrowed/owed money before and lack a credit score of any sort. How do I go about making sure I’ll be able to get a mortgage easily, while not wanting to have fees for money I don’t really need to borrow?

7 years ago
Narelle T.
Narelle T.
Corlette, NSW

Hi, we are looking at investing in a property. The opportunity is for us to buy a property (valued at mid $600,000). The owner will finance us, with no deposit, to buy, at $550,000 at interest only for 2/3 years. Then we can refinance with the bank to continue. Our situation is that we will not be considered for bank finance until our credit rating has dissolved. So this is why we are considering this. Who is the best person to talk to for advise on this?

7 years ago
Matthew H.
Matthew H.
Boya, WA

We just purchased a property in Western Australia on 5 acres. The property has a house and a shed on it.

We're intending on fencing the area around the house (around 1000 square meters) and renting the house and this portion of the land to tenants.

The remainder of the property will not be lived on, but we don't want to allow the tenants access.

How does this affect what we can claim as expenses for tax purposes. ie loan interest on the property?

7 years ago
Paul H.
Paul H.
Dernancourt, SA

Hi. Im paul. 38, employed full time as supervisor for 9 months, average weekly income of 1200 aprox, currently bankrupt and require dept consolidation and funds to purchase a car. Ive always been good at earning but never good at financial planning and never seem to be able to pull ahead. Any advice or direction would greatly be appreciated. I have outstanding depts of 15000, no security. Can u please help me to finally use my secure income to fix my bad decisions of the past?

7 years ago

Breaking News

Australian Prime Minister announces there will be a Royal Commission into the Financial Services Industry

Mr Turnbull says Australia's financial system is admirable but there have been instances of poor practice.

Consumers must be protected, Mr Turnbull says, and the financial services sector must remain stable.

Do you agree with the Government's decision?

7 years ago